Friday, January 9, 2015

Shards of Truth

A few years ago I participated in a ceremony where I consumed Iboga - an African spiritual medicine that provides access to deeper consciousness. As many people who have experienced Iboga have recorded, there is a period during one's immersion in the mystery where it is possible to access truth. I'll write about that experience some time but since the ceremony I have realized that a shard of that ability remained within me. From time to time and in certain circumstances I can recognize deep truths and falsehoods in what I am witnessing or hearing. In these writings, whenever I can, I will try to report on what truths appear to me. I think of this gift as fragmentary and so, like the name of the blog I will write of fragments and shadows but also happenstance and kismet - the stuff of life that we observe at the periphery of our attention if we are paying attention. I hope to be influenced by some touchstones along the way. I will use the Tao te Ching and the I Ching as wind, The Dalai Lama and Anthony de Mello, among others, as water and various complex substances as light. Ok. So some of my writing will be pure fiction, some allegory, some fable, some neurotic rambling and conspiracy theory and a wee bit of truth.

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