I have been looking at drones - more for their technology than because I want to own one. They are a very interesting new phenomenon and I think the implications are huge. I remember reading about the attempt on Paul Atreides life in Frank Herbert's first Dune novel. Little hunter-seekers controlled remotely. They were going to deliver a poison payload to Atreides. How long ago was that? 1965. Fucking genius. I was stunned by the completeness of his cosmos. It is the world's best selling sci-fi novel. As in the 'scattering', some subsequent novels got great, some corrupt. Weren't the Ixians just the Japanese extended by several millenia? And the Harkonnens - Germans, The Tleilaxu - Arabs?) I don't know. I always thought that was what he was doing. Playing with some existing cultures and pushing them way beyond today. Folding space, spice, no-space. The Guild, the Bene Gesserit. Purging humanity of AI in the Butlerian Jihad. Great shit. He was truly prescient.
So now drones. Little hunter-seekers. I think the tech is all there. Miniature drones would be much more surgical than the big ones Obama is deploying - the biggest problem is their limited range and lifespan but there are easy workarounds that even a techno dolt like me can imagine. So I think there is going to be a huge push-back on the use of drones because of their easy procurement and use by terrorists. They are already being used by terrorists - in this case the US. They are killing many innocent, harmless people. And if life and the laws of physics teaches us anything there will be an equal and opposite reaction. I think the use of drones for evil purpose is entirely immoral. But it is already in play.
While I was researching this; literally the night I was collecting a lot of material a drone landed on the White House lawn. Jan 26. That was just too much. Seems like it was innocent but maybe it was a probe. Here's my thesis: I think drones will be forbidden from most urban areas. They are already illegal in Washington DC. The FAA is about to make a ruling. Maybe the White House drone was just a placeholder that creates a reference for why drones will be denied wide deployment until they can be 'made safe'. Never going to happen.
I've collected a lot of very unsettling raving from survivalist sites and from blogs and eMags about how to disable drones and paranoid ideas about their use against an 'awakened' American citizenry. I am sure the NSA has my number now if it didn't before - the sites I have gone to would have made them flag me. I could have made this about the Canadian Prime Minister. Why didn't I? Well it wouldn't have been very interesting. They'd just fly in and kill Harper. Canada's level of tech and security is hilarious. Gouty guy with a pistol takes on guy with a squirrel rifle. Even our terrorists seem like characters from Breslin's 'The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight'. I don't want to insult the victims of their deeds, but really. Thank Zorg they were so pathetically ineffective - may all terrorist minds be clouded with poutine and maple syrup. My sincere condolences to all those affected by their terrible actions.
So here is my 'trailer' for an attack on Obama. I do not want this to happen. I hope it does not happen. But if it isn't him its going to be a much easier target. A businessman, billionaire, oligarch, weapons merchant, invisible hand, corrupt politician, judge or whistleblower. 2015? I'm not a betting man but I would say that's a certainty.
From the Manifesto ‘Payback’ (scooped from an actual website)
This terroristic program of sky assassinating uncharged, unconvicted victims is being extended to Americans. Obama's threat is clear: If you are Disliked, you can be Assassinated by "Predator* Drones. A predator sneak attacks its helpless unsuspecting victims.
Any journalist who ignores his moral imperative to alert Americans to this Hitler-level program of mass murder in America deserves to turn in his credentials and allow someone to take over his job of opposing Naziism. Millions were slaughtered by Hitler because journalists failed to alert the people before the cost of their courage was measured in blood.
You know that drone assassins will target the growing multitude of activists and journalists who are now opposing the iron fist of tyranny which is abruptly smashing down on all of us.
What, then, will you do to protect millions of imperiled Americans exercising there right to speak and assemble against tyranny here at home?
President Oh-Bomb-us has proclaimed his vow to bomb us -- you and me -- if we cry out in our growing state of suffering under tyranny. Journalists, professional and amateur, we must quickly alert the citizenry, and alert small TV, radio, and print news media . . . or else we will be bombed from the skies for speaking as free Americans.
Let US Get Fired Up, or Get Fired Upon!
Hard to know if I’m crazy or I’m being made to think I’m crazy. We’re just trying to nuke POTUS. That makes me a patriot.
Javvis: /”I'm having trouble getting the swarmbots to aggress on their own. They just sit idle. I have set the safeties off and I've set drones to "aggressive" and "focus fire." They don't seem to want to attack on their own. I want to know how to get this to work so I don't shit a brick losing my hive-ship to an ECM jam. What the fuck?”
Pheral:/” There’s fuckin’ microwave shit everywhere. They’re frying us with Magnetic Pulse from the Hay-Adams and the Whorehouse. Got you messed up. My skin is crawling like hell. Hit share and get behind something thick like at the Federal Claims pile at Madison and Penn. Anyway you’re done. Go blank. Crush your phone. Later.”
Fuckin Feds. Thought we’d be ok with these little stingers. But I guess they’re up for any contingency. Air is huge with 5.8GHz shit blocking my video so I’m blind. The bugs’re going in on program then. Heading for the front door. Coming in from way under 700 feet so they shouldn’t set off any alarms. Hope the fucker is where he is supposed to be. Probably buried if they know we’re pushing in. But I don’t detect any countermeasures being deployed, just the passive stuff.
Once they get inside I should have my video feed back – they can’t be throwing this shit inside the White House or it would be making them puke.
Here we are. Let’s do inventory. I have 16 bots working autonomously, heading for the bedroom. Tiny payloads but I just need to get close to his Nazi fucking head and they should be enough. Shit. Secret service has spotted them. Get out the fly swats boys! Place is lighting up. My bots are programmed to do evasive. The picture is like from a drunk butterfly. Funny if it wasn’t fucking serious. Fuck, camera drone got smacked, shifting to the feed from A2. I still have 11 functional. When we ran the sims on this we had a 80% success rate from this status. It’s going to be fuckin turkey shoot. Point blank and simple. Scratch one tyrant.
Like I said, bad fiction, and derivative to boot. But that's what occurs to me. Easier to tell a story than to rant about it on a youtube video. Tinfoil hat.
Don't you wish we lived in a world ...aw forget it.
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